Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reconnoitering the North Branch of the Lehigh Valley trail

Marilyn and I have ridden a section of this trail from the north and from the south.  Both times it was not clear how to proceed through an unmarked section.  My friend, Dick Moon, and I went out today to figure that out.  We rode north and took the old original rail track which deteriorated quickly into mud and then ended.  On the way back we saw some signs about a temporary trail and that was much better.

This questionable portion of the old rail right of way runs through what was going to be Rochester's newest, best, and most expensive golf course: The Belfrey International.  The course was built in 2044 but never operated due to the death of the developer and other business conditions.  Here is a picture of my riding partner Dick Moon with one of the water features of the course in the background.

Here is a link to a prospectus offering the course for sale.  I am not sure it is still current but it has some photos of what the course--including some water features--looked like:  beautiful but never played.

With route information I now have, Marilyn and I can do some interesting loops instead of always dead-heading back.

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