Monday, October 31, 2011

Hiking in Abraham Lincoln Park

This used to be called Irondequoit Bay East Park but was renamed a couple of years ago.  It has several trails traversing the hills, ridges and gullies along the eastern edge of the bay.  This was our first time and we were very impressed.  I only had my phone camera with me or it would have taken us another hour at least.  The landscapes were delicious.  I will be returning when I have more time.

The weather was perfect fall weather: a bit cool but sunny and with little wind.  The maps were not all that accurate so we had fun doing a bit of exploring and scouting out side trails we will take our next time there.

We also had some good views of the bay including one where there were at least a couple dozen swans.  I would have needed my Canon and a long lens to get a decent picture or we would have had to hike another hour to get closer to the shore.  Plus I wasn't quite sure that was even possible.  Again, a task for the next time out on these trials.

Both this park and the Gun Range trails will be great for snow shoeing.  As close as they are to the lake, there should be plenty of lake effect white stuff to make it interesting.

You can view the Garmin results below.

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